Learning math and reading skills is an integral part of growing up. And while it can seem like there’s a lot to learn, you don’t have to stress too much about it. You can do so much with your kids at home that there’s no need to pay for expensive tutors or programs.
In this article, you will discover five ways to teach your kids math and reading skills at home. Taking advantage of these simple strategies can turn your children into lifelong learners and sharpen their critical thinking skills from childhood onward.
Bring Learning Into The Real World
Kids learn best when they can see the relevance of what they’re doing. If you’ve ever tried to teach someone about fractions, you probably know how challenging it is. Finding ways to bring those learning concepts into the real world is essential.
For example, you could teach your child about fractions by measuring ingredients for a particular recipe. You could measure ingredients like sugar, flour, and eggs and explain what each is used for. Then, you could bake your special recipe together and demonstrate its practical and theoretical aspects to your child. Incorporate reading into the mix by having them read the ingredients and instructions as you go.
By doing these activities, you can help your child build a strong foundation in math and reading and strengthen their understanding of the real world.
Make Learning Fun With Personalized Instruction Apps
Kids are naturally curious by nature and love to explore. However, they will get bored very quickly if the experience isn’t enjoyable. And while it’s essential to have a set curriculum for your child’s learning, it can often be more effective to customize their experience. This can be done by using apps for teaching different topics through videos and games designed to hold their attention.
One example of this type of app is i-Ready. What is i-Ready? i-Ready is a personalized learning program that works with students and their teachers to help them learn, think critically, and read. The app has several tools to help you customize your child’s learning experience. With i-Ready’s adaptive learning system, your child will be able to receive a tailored learning experience that helps them master specific skills while they stay engaged in the process.
Parents often are skeptical about whether an app is educational. You might be asking, “who invented i-Rready?”. One of the things that set this app apart from the rest is it was developed by a consortium of certified teachers brought together by Curriculum Associates.
Introduce New Concepts Through Your Child’s Existing Interests
When your child is young, you don’t need to spend much time explaining every little thing they do. Instead, you can focus on helping them build a strong foundation by introducing new concepts through mediums they’re already interested in. For example, if your child is a fan of planes, you can incorporate that into math and reading lessons. They might not even realize they’re being taught something new when they’re so busy enjoying their favorite things.
Explore Different, Creative Approaches To Learning
There are countless ways to learn. What your child learns naturally will determine which approaches they gravitate toward. Some children learn better through sensory interactions like touch, so textured books or counting with blocks might be the best approach. Other kids enjoy listening to new materials first, so reading aloud together or watching a math video might work better for them. Pay attention to what works for your child, and don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the correct method.
Keep Knowledge Fresh Over Vacation Breaks
Vacation breaks are a great time to review. And while they aren’t meant to replace in-depth study and practice, they can help you stay on top of your game. You can use vacation breaks to review topics you’ve already covered or that they learned in the previous school year. Remember: Kids can lose up to a month of learning over summer break alone.
Bottom Line
There are countless ways to help your child succeed in school. While you know your child best, a few things can help you ensure they’re getting the support they need.