The greatest luxury for teachers seems to be time. Specifically, time they can spend caring for themselves. As teaching can be such a selfless career, it can feel challenging to sacrifice any time that could otherwise be used to better a student. This can create some conflict in how teachers handle the stress they deal with, though. Making time for self-care allows you to recharge and refuel away from the classroom. Then, you can feel better prepared to return to nurture young minds. As you create a daily schedule that supports your success, consider the benefits that regular self-care can bring about. Finding time to relax the brain can lead to improved mental focus, memory, concentration, and acuity. Finding time to exercise and release some of the stress in the body can lead to less physical tension, including headaches and indigestion. Regular exercise also improves the quality of sleep that one can get, and in turn can provide enhanced productivity and heightened creativity. Self-care is the one guaranteed way to reduce the likelihood of educational exhaustion and burnout in teachers, which is why it’s so important to practice it. Hoping to learn more about how to practice self-care more effectively? Read on to the infographic included alongside this post.