A DP certification will only be issued to you when you have demonstrated that you can grasp the lessons on DP operation and maintenance that you will be taught. You are then issued a legit certificate from the Nautical Institute which allows you to seek and get employment from different rigs around the world. This here is the procedure with which you can get DP revalidation course easily today.
Choose great institute to enroll at
You must first find a quality training institution that will equip you with the DP management and operation skills. There are different schools you can check out in your country based on where you comefrom but consider affordability and the inquire further about further about the practical training you should get on the rig before graduation as this will help you choose the best place to get trained at.
Get the field training needed
If you did not know it then brace yourself because you will need to set time aside for practical training lessons. This will require being in an actual rig where you can get first hand training and experience on how to maintain and operate the rig with regard to your theoretical training. After this section you become eligible for certification